I love tea I do.

23 Jul

Lyons tea, 2 sugars, good bit of milk, leave the teabag in (that’s the new thing).
I love my tea, like any other Irish person, so it’s weird to find those who don’t like it or don’t drink it. Especially when they’re not lactose intolerant or anything similar. My friend Natasha simply just never had tea up until I offered her one on day, which I think is extremely strange and I think she is the only person in Ireland who happened to “never have tea”. Since any where you go, any house you go to, even the Garda station.Somebody offers you tea. When certain friends of mine come over I always offer a cuppa, but if they’re the type that don’t drink tea, I still ask anyways, because it’s a natural thing to assume they want tea. Not coffee.
I like coffee, don’t get me wrong (black coffee, no sugar) but I really only drink it in the mornings, or in café’s. I love my cafe’s. Coffee, fags and convo’s. Bes combination going. I am yet to find a cafe that make’s a decent cup of tea. They need a kettle, not a water tank thingy. Herbal tea I love too, but I only drink them in phases of trying to be healthy, weight loss for a big night out, and to fix my skin. Oh, and for hangovers, that are extreme, I’ll drink a herbal tea of some sort. One that’s gentle on the stomach and won’t leave me in bed for days after.

The whole point of this post, was no point, I have nothing much to write about. But now that I say that, I actually do. Which I will do…. Now.

I’ve been religiously following my favourite blogs, ones which have loads to read, and the ones which update everyday, or most days. Which are two. The Japan Guy and AJATT. The Japan Guy is entertaining and is about what I like and what I wanna know. AJATT is about what I like and what I have to know to experience what I like in the flesh. Which is JAPAN!

Anyway, AJATT has got me thinking about the “Immersion Process” and how to become a hermit. Which lately, even pre-AJATT, I have started to become. It happens a lot. Not all the time, but now and then, I don’t answer my phone, I have no free texts, so I’m not replying, not bothering with WebTexting anyone back. Not going out (which is a huge one for me), and locking myself in my room away from family and the outside world. I think my “immersion” is starting well, because I am doing a lot of Japanesey things, not as much as I’d like and not in the way I want to do it. Like not watching my Anime without subtitles, etc. I am listening to the Anime and understanding the few words I know, but I am now in the process of taking down the words I know to find tha Kanji or Kana. But now learning them is hard. So, my plan is, to watch over old Anime series, for the next week, take all the words I know, find the translations, also keep up the random 15 words and 10 sentences a day translations I’ve done, and next week start from there, because if I get a few basic words and sentences down I can probably understand that bit more. Which I think is what he’s on about in AJATT, while doing it my own way, not exactly his way.

I still am trying to find Manga websites with the Manga in Japanese. Preferably with Manga from the Anime I have watched, because, well, I’ve never been into Manga, I don’t own any Manga. But I definitely think it’ll help, especially when I’ve already enjoyed the Anime so much. Tomorrow I’m going down to Dublin City Comics to check it out, since my friend works there, I’ll have help, they might have some Anime in Japanese already there. Let’s hope so. I reaaaally wanna get this show on the road. ASAP.. Getting “Remembering the Kanji” today or next Saturday. So I can start that. But for now, I must use what I already have access to and some inititive and creativity. Time and Japanese wont wait for me, and Japanese won’t miraculously plant itself into my brain. I have to chase it down till its stuck with me for life.

So, wish me luck. I’m off to continue becoming “Japanese”!

Bye Bye!

Yes.. More Japanese

20 Jul

After finding that marvelous website “AJATT”. (Type that in Google, I’m to lazy to link it) I have found more, yes more, inspiration and even MORE motivation. I’m beside myself, what a wonderful site, but, I am yet to find a wonderful site with Kanji lists that I like. I can learn if it’s all over the place. So, if anyone knows one, please let me know.

I am officially setting my fake goals, which means I’m not actually setting any goals I’m just gonna get things done and see where I end up. If someone can become relatively fluent in Japanese in 18 months, so can I. Maybe not that timeframe, but my own. I am yet to know what my niche is when it comes to learning languages, since they’re forced on you in school, you come to hate whatever language you have chosen because of your interest in it. I did Japanese in school, and it was never the case, I enjoyed that class. I think that shows an actual interest. Don’t you?

So, my plan now is: Get my equipment. Which is a Kanji book, a few Manga written in Kanji, some ear candy in Japanese and obviously I already have a tonne of Anime I “plan to watch” on my Anime list. I have more “watched” Anime though. Which is bad since, I can’t watch the same thing twice, unless I forget, which is the case in a few Anime. I remembered watching the certain Anime, but not what happened or anything. I’ll hopefully find a few more. Please God.

Before I get all my reading material, I’ll have to depend on the interweb! Good ol’ interweb, never lets you down. I’ve got some reading material on Chokochoko and hopefully I find a few snippets elsewhere. I also wonder if the big bookstore in Dublin sells Japanese Magazines and Newspapers. One or Two will do. I don’t think you would have to buy it weekly since the amount of Kanji would be more than enough. Obviously until you know everything in it off by heart.

Later I’m just going to find the numbers in Kanji and my Basic Hiragana and learn them by the end of the week, or not. Oh and 5 Joyo Kanji. I’ll do that and maybe stick with that same idea until it isn’t fun anymore and I can change it!
Right now, I’m going to find a new anime, I find the subtitles for the intro music is always good to recognise the new Hiragana etc that you’ve learned since they’re so basic and on the plus side Japanese songs are really sweet and kind on the ears. So no worries!

I’m off to do what I need to do in the now!

Goodluck and what not



20 Jul

Found these wise words at: AJATT Very inspiring and clever little site. Makes complete sense too. I recommend it, especially if your the mental type and really love Japan and all things Japanese. Hope my Hiragana Chart helps aswell!


P.S. Posts up later will be longer. If you read articles on that site^. You will understand my hastiness in this one.

The Early Bird Catches The Worm

19 Jul

I for one, wouldn’t like to go catching worms, and I also don’t fancy being up so early. Since it’s become a bad habit of mine, getting up early (not catching worms), I might aswell use this time to WRITE RANDOMLY. Do I do anything else? No. But soon it will get less random. I promise.

So, the plan today is:

  • Re-Train my two Cats. (They’ve been very bold lately)
  • Finish of the Japanese I’ve been learning and move on. (Post up later for this)
  • Blog and Post. (Must organise..again)
  • More Job business. (Driving me crazy)
  • Figure out this Installing WordPress malark. (If anyone can explain in an easier way I’d be most grateful)

I thought I’d show you our GLORIOUS SUMMER WEATHER here in Dublin City. I didn’t take the photo, but this is pretty much it, except for the 3 days where no Irish person could leave the house because it was sooo hot out. We’d probably die from heat.Our lovely Summer Rain.. Permanent Summer Rain

I’ve thought, I always have a lot to do, and sometimes leave the big stuff until last-minute. Which is never good, because then someone will say “this is on, are you coming?” And I’ll automatically go. It’s like my brain wipes clean just as I hear that phrase and I only remember I had to do whatever a few days later.. sometimes weeks. I’m a sucker for a night out, so that’s why. My mobile has been off, if someone really wants to get in contact they can ring my house or email me. I’ve kept myself away from Facebook as much as possible. Only went on to set up things for the Blog, and appeared offline on anything like FB Chat, MSN or Skype. I also gave myself distractions, fun distractions, but addictive ones. So I’d forget about being “social” for a while so I can get my act together.

Yes, I know I may sound like I’ve decided unconsciously to become a hermit, but I think it’s good for everyone to do this a few times a year, well, once a year. You can gather your thoughts, see whats really happening that maybe you didn’t notice before, enjoy your own hobbies, and get work done. Without actually taking a holiday from work itself.. Relaxing your senses perhaps you could call it. I know a lot of people who need to relax more than once a year.. Every second week they forcefully should get locked in a room, to relax. But you can’t help those who don’t know how to relax. You have to let them find how to relax in their own way.

My tooth is hurting me a lot today by the way, well my gum.. It’s not painful, it’s just irritating, and itchy-sore. If you get me. I just want my tooth back again. I had to look at what day it was there, I’ve had it out nearly a week.. A week tomorrow. The pain and the swelling, should it still be here? I still look like the Godfather on one side of my face. HOPING I don’t have dry socket. I’ll absolutely die. It’s also very sad that you only get two chances to keep your teeth healthy, when you’re a child you don’t want to do as your mother says. When you’re a teenager, well lets just say I know a lot of people, who still to this day in their twenties,  are still going through the “no hygiene” phase. So please, if you want to have all your real teeth in your twenties to thirty’s. GO CLEAN THEM NOW. WI thought my teeth were fine except for one, I was so wrong, and how. I had 8 cavities that if I had left them another 4 months, all 8 teeth would have fallen out. Plus I had to get the one I thought was the only bad one out. You can see cavities at the start.. But if you’ve a hole in your tooth, and its black or brown, go to the dentist, because you probably have a few lurker’s somewhere aswell.  (As I was writing this paragraph I had to get up and brush my teeth, I freaked myself out so much).

Now, on to… THE JAPAN FRONT! As I said earlier in this post. Later on I will be writing yet another post but the first of my proper Japanese posts. That’ll be after I sort out the blog. So it looks alright and is navigable. 😀 Basically it will compose of What I’ve learned, How I’ve learned with pictures and maybe a video.. OF ME. Explaining it all.. Maybe not, I’m not ready for my close up. Juuust yet.. We’ll see.. I need a good blog before I can make good videos I think.

So this is all about today, the other points at the beginning of this pst basically explain themselves, my rant about tooth hygiene was necessary, I would have freaked out all day if I didn’t vent somewhere. I think my friends who listen to all my know-it-all rants cannot take anymore Thank you Murz.. 😀

So, that’ll be all for now. I think. If I don’t stop myself now, I’ll keep writing.

Have a lovely day, not Dublin, because it looks shit outside. What’s new?


Balls Rolling

18 Jul
Hiragana table with stroke order.
Image via Wikipedia

Hiragana Practice Sheet – Basics – This I found to be helpful to learn all Basic Hiragana in the few days I did. Featured Image will help you write too. Goodluck!

So, I’ve looked around the internet, well I went into super mode and really scanned everywhere I could for  some information on Japan, more blogs about, to do with Japan and of course anything to help with my Japanese! I have surprised myself, and have found tonnes! By going from one blog and finding more blogs on that blog, Internet is amazing isn’t it?

Right, so get to the point Becky…. Well, while I’m still trying to figure out how to make blog as cool look and as handy as some other J-Blogs, I’ll write some addresses that I found useful at the end because first I must write about me. How selfish of me… On my blog.

ANYWAYS! I’ve always wanted to write a book, but because my attention span to things has never been the mae west I never really tried to sit down and think about it. But today, I was chatting to my dear friend Justine about it, I don’t remember how it came up but we ended up talking about it. So, I think it’s time, since I have all this crazy motivation recently, (possibly growing up at last) I think I may sit down and think about it, when I have time, I am in Hiragana mode now so nothing will make sense. But I think it’s a about time, I have always kept a Journal growing up, I’ve had many blogs, due to lack of motivation I gave up on. But they still contain much which I have long forgotten.

I must now collect all my Journals, Diary’s and try remember blog names and passwords.

On another note, as I previously said, other blogs look cooler and are handier, and my blog is still very messy, which I planned not to do but can it be helped? No it can’t. I work better in organised chaos.. Its my speciality and I think that’s how my brain works.

My Japanese up to today is going well, since I decided to kick the 9 week plan. I’ve memorised all but 3 of them and 2 I  mix up. But I’ll write out a plan today or tomorrow on another blog for those of you that don’t have a tonne of time to spare.

I hope this is comprehensible and helpful
I think I use too many apostrophes.


Major Madness in the Lesbian World

16 Jul

Seriously, things just get more, and more dramatic.

All the “serious” talks this week, that I didn’t really want to hear because I already knew. I was hurt because people really believe I’m some dumb, childish blonde. Which I am far from.
But the Bray Fest, was fun, good music, Orange had me in stitches, Timmy spoke to me again, and I got all emotional. Then I text EVERYONE when I got home because I had had a few drinks.
Could not rise this morning at all, the shakes were unbelievable, they kept me awake when I tried to sleep again.

I’m grand now, was supposed to go out tonight aswell, but I turned my phone of and decided to get on with my Hiragana, which by the way, the whole 9 week plan has gone down the drain because I’m just learning them all at once. Nearly done with the basics. As far a “わ and を”. So, I think thats 41!

Damn well proud of myself.
Well, I think that’s that. Will be going back to the Bray Fest next weekend I think. Have to see what I’ve written down, gig-wise.


The Dentist

13 Jul

I have just got my tooth out today, it love going the Dentist, always have, don’t know why. But here’s the advice I was given.
I also would like to add, nothing about smoking was mentioned. I’m just have on or two drags when I need it and stubbing out the smoke. And not sucking on the cigarette.

So here’s the advice.

  • Should you have bleeding after you leave, roll a piece of gauze into a small ball and bite down for 20 minutes. Repeat this if the bleeding doesn’t subside. After this please ring the clinic if bleeding persists.
  • Should you have pain, analgesics can be taken if required, e.g: paracetemol and ibuprofen. Please be sure not to exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Swelling is normal and may take up to 10 days to resolve.
  • Brush your teeth as normal but be gentle around socket. DO NOT RINSE FOR 24 HOURS after extraction. This may dislodge clot and cause further bleeding and possibly dry socket. 24 hours post extraction, rinse 4 – 6 times a day with salty warm water (one cup of warm water and a teaspoon of salt and mix). This should be done until the socket has healed.
  • If you have had stiches placed (you will be informed if you have) they are most likely silk and will require a second appointment to remove them. It is very important that you do attend to get any stiches removed or else they can become clogged with food debris and can delay healing.
  • Wait until the anaesthetic has worn off before eating. For the first 24 hours eat on the opposite side from the socket as food may become lodged. This may be the case until the socket has fully healed.
  • Dry Socket: This is when a socket has been infected. It will be very painful, you may have a bad taste in your mouth abd the socket can be dark in colour and look ‘dry’. Contact the clinic if you think you have a dry socket.

I hope this is helpful.
At least I have one less thing that I needed to do before I got to Japan.
Can’t wait for Friday! BrayFest! I’ll take pictures throw them up.
If you want to see a really bad tooth (the one I just got out) Thats it up there^ I apologise to those who now feel ill.


Thanks for reading!


P.S: Anesthetic is wearing off.. Hope this isn’t to painfull.. :S


10 Jul

Finally, found two good websites that give free Japanese lessons.

The first one, well whoever who has written it, hasn’t got perfect english, but its understandable and the teachings are good. Nice Hiragana chart and explanations of everything.

Site One: Learn Japanese Adventure

The second site is very good. Has forums, lessons, print offs, flash cards, etc.
At the end of Lessons, you can comment, and fluent speakers will explain anything you need to know.
Chat room where other learners are conversing in perticular topics, relating to whichever lesson they are on. They all seem to be doing the same subject with each other, which is good I think. They have support. This site is good for working on kanji or any charachters and basic phrasing etc. (Basic and Intermediate)

Site 2: Learn Japanese

Hope these are helpfull to anyone intrested.


P.S. Heres a chart showing how Im learning my Hiragana so far. 😀 幸運!

平仮名ごじゅうおんず Hiragana gojuuonzu

The reason I have it 5 Hiragana per week, is because learning to write them is harder then memorising them. It’s like English in teeny tiny pictures.. And there is thousands more to learn. Dun Dun Dunnnnnn!

Something To Look Forward To

10 Jul

'George is gonna get you'

So, I went out the other night, Friday to be exact. The usual suspects and myself went out to WAR, which is a night in a club. Get’s a bit mental. But it was fun, a lot of fun actually. So, anyway. I bumped into my friend Becky and her lady friend Emma. She was asking me what had I been doing and what am I doing this coming September, so I told her I was starting Business. She then asked what college, so I told her.. Turns out, her and her girlfriend will be attending there too and will be moving down to my area.

Hopefully it wont distract me from school. Well I wont let it. Weirdest part is, and I just remembered this, is that Becky also has the same interest in Japan as I do. Weird I forgot that.


104 – I have applied to.
98 – Replies.
4 – Interviews.

This is how bad things are. 104 jobs that could be easily done and 4 interviews. 1 successful, but it turned out to be a scam. Never take a job where you have to put your own money into. You’ll eventually leave it before the time limit, that you have to work until you get your money back, comes around.

Ok, so back to education and I’ll get on with this post. Anyway, I’ve tried to apply for my student grant. Everything is going wrong. First time I tried to apply, the website wasn’t even up and running. Second time I went to apply, it was up and running. I registered, but before I could fill in the form online, I had to log in with my new details. I got the password wrong unbeknownst to myself when I was writing them during the registration, so now my Username is disabled and I can’t fill out my grant form and I really need to, and soon.

This week and previous weeks I have thought a lot about why my lack of motivation and why my drop out/give up record is so outrageous. I came to the conclusion that, again, it’s the people around me, not all of them, but some of them.

You always need support, you get it from your family, but in my situation my friends are my family, even more so than my real family. The main culprits I am slowly but surely getting away from. The reasons they have a part in my lack of motivation and dropping out etc, are:

  • Partying/Peer Pressure (Lame, but true)
  • They have no goals, but that doesn’t mean I should put mine on hold.
  • Certain people, I think, sometime don’t like you to succeed, and they know your weaknesses. Use them against you.
  • My own anxieties, which have gotten better in the past 2 years thanks to some lovely new friends.
  • I think sometimes I’m also scared to succeed. That stems from Primary school. So it’s about time I get over it.

So, I’ll probably let you know how everything here is going in one of the next post’s. This one is quite all over the place. No flow to it. I apologise.

Thanks for reading.


For the first time…

8 Jul

For the first time, I actually want summer to end.. You might be thinking.. What is wrong with you.. Nothing actually, because I hate having nothing to do.. Right now, nothing seems like an infinite supply.

No Job. Nothing is happening, nothing exciting anyway. Watching my cats chase the flies you get in Summer is the most exciting thing to happen this Summer and Gay Pride. That was very good.. But not the best, last year was the best in my opinion.

College doesn’t start until early September, and I really want it to start so I have something to do and I really need to stick at it for having wasted the past 2 years. I dropped out of my first course, and couldn’t finish the Repeat Leaving Cert. I had some citizen duties to attend to, and because of missing so much during that, I wasn’t able to return. Plus, my motivation history isn’t the best. Now I have something definite to work towards I am hoping I buckle down. Big time. I don’t wish to waste anymore time. I’ll be so old finishing college and getting to Japan if I do and that’s something I don’t want.

I don’t want to become old anyway.

So once I start college hopefully, I don’t wuss out, let anxiety get the better of me because I need to cop on and start going places. Asap!

Time waits for nobody.
